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Social responsability
responsabilidad social ari abogados

Help those who need the most!

With your donation, it will be posible for the people and institutions that support vulnerable groups, to cover or pay for expenses, resolving legal situations of people in need.

DONARI®, is a Collective Funding Platform, also known as crowdfunding, which makes available to society, a collaborative mechanism for financing projects, for totally altruistic purposes.


responsabilidad social ari abogados

Compromised with the society, WITHOUT ANY COST, the law firm provides, comprehensive legal advice within its practice areas to associations, foundations and Social Assistance Institutions, whose objective is the assistance and help to vulnerable people, sectors and groups.

One of our objectives through the provision of pro bonus services is to achieve social transformation and easy access to justice for all.

Currently, agreements and / or memorandum of understanding have been signed with: (i) Centro Mexicano Pro Bono A.C., (ii) Voluntariado CMIC para el Desarrollo Social A.C. and (iii) Unidos, A.C.

responsabilidad social ari abogados

Crowdsourcing is a form of collective action in which groups of individuals seek to achieve a common interest or generate social change. It is currently one of the most important means of protection and defense of interests and rights.

At ARI Abogados S.C. we seek, through platforms of social empowerment to create changes of great impact in our society, we are committed to the mobilization of other citizens to generate real solutions to the current situation in our country and in the world.

Our legal firm joins the struggle for social transofrmation, so we will initiate our own requests and sign those of other people, as long as they agree with our values.

Find our requests in this section and join the fight.

responsabilidad social ari abogados
Cyber crime prevention

Thanks to the two billion Internet users around the world, and to the extent that it has become an essential part of our lives, criminals have found a new way to obtain benefits, since in cyberspace they can remain anonymous and have access to all types of personal information that we keep online.

This crime can be found in many ways, from theft of personal data, hacking, theft of credit and debit card information, among others.

The need to create secure web pages comes when the information transmitted by the user is confidential or private, for this reason, we consider of great importance the protection of your identity and information that you register on our website and it is stored in our databases, as well as the online payments you make for our services. That’s why we take the following security measures:

  • We have an SSL Certificate for all our websites: this certificate allows us to encrypt the data that is sent, such as information about credit cards, names and addresses, so that no hacker can access them. Another advantage of this certificate is to verify that the information that leaves your server is the same as it reaches its legitimate recipient, preventing it from being modified by a third party. To identify that a website has this certificate, you can see in your domain the HTTPS prefix and it is also marked with a lock symbol (closed padlock). It is important to mention that, as well as our website, the social networks that we use in the law firm also have this certificate, such as: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

  • We have a record of accesses on the server.
  • We have network security systems to increase the security of the systems.
  • The access data of users are encrypted for security to avoid their use if they fall into the hands of others.
  • The user’s bank records are managed by third parties with certifications in the safe handling of financial information.
  • The databases will be used only for the purposes and permits granted to ARI Abogados S.C., therefore, the law firm will not tolerate any violation of the privacy notice inforce on our website, as well as use, or share with third parties for purposes of profit.
responsabilidad social ari abogados
Anticorruption commitment

Integrity Code ARI Abogados S.C.

I. Introduction

II. Obligations of members

III. Judicial Anticorruption Commitment

  1. Bribery and corruption
  2. Gifts and invitations
  3. Sponsorships and donations
  4. Collaboration with government officials
  5. Lobbying
  6. Money Laundering
  7. Conflicts of interest
  8. Background research
  9. Fraud

IV. Procedure to make a complaint/ denunciation



 I. Introduction

ARI Abogados S.C. is a law firm founded on the basis of different values, among them the excellence in professional service, including effectiveness and quality in our services, as well as the guiding ethics of the legal profession.

We believe that in a country like Mexico, the situation in our community can change and this transformation is in our hands. Based on what was said by José Campillo Sáinz, it is important to mention that the jurist should not only take The Law as the supreme norm of his conduct, but also morality and justice.

In ARI Abogados S.C., we respect fundamental human rights and avoid participating in activities in which these rights are not respected, and in this way we contribute to change, always acting within the framework of the law,  and the good customs of our community.

Like the Mexican Bar Association (BMA, for its acronym) we have the social commitment to promote in our members and in society, values ​​such as equity, struggle for justice, as well as the defense of the principles of law.

The present Integrity Code is mandatory for all members of Corporate ARI (hereinafter, the “Corporate”) including its partners, associates, interns and / or any other employee. It is important to mention that the managers of the Corporate will not tolerate the breach of this Code, and this may lead to the adoption of disciplinary measures, which may vary depending on the severity of the violation and will be at the discretion of the directors, who will decide which is the pertinent sanction to the failure made, always respecting the principle of proportionality.

In cases where it is not clear enough which of the principles contained in this Code should be applied or in what form, the interested party should act conservatively and with common sense, applying the principle(s) that are most relevant to the case.

II. Obligations of members

  • Comply with all laws and regulations, as well as internal rules and policies, as applicable in a given situation.
  • To preserve the reputation of the Corporate as well as that of its members, acting with loyalty to our clients and rejecting the representation of clients in matters of dubious legality. This obligation also includes acting always in the most profesional manner posible, in the moments in which we are representing the Corporate.
  • To respect the fact that the Corporate clients must be exclusively atended through the law firm.
  • To know this Code, apply it and comply with all the ethical principles contemplated in it. It is also important to make the content known to our clients (present, future and potential) and to be clear in the fact that for no reason the provision of our services will lead to the violation of any of its principles, as well as to prevent other members of the firm to violate this Code.
  • Act with honesty, integrity, respect and fairness with our clients, as well as with public officials, members of the judiciary, and other people with whom we are in contact.
  • Protect and represent the interests of our clients, performing our work in a competent way and on time, within the limits of the law and the principles contained in this Code. Accordingly, we can not accept any matter for which we can not offer competent and timely representation.
  • Keeping the client informed in a timely and sufficient manner about the status and progress of their cases, so that they can make informed decisions. This includes answering, as soon as posible, the calls, emails and other communications that we receive from the client.

III. Judicial Anticorruption Commitment

Corruption is one of the main obstacles to doing business, however in our country is tolerated in the public, private and social sectors. The international community has fostered a greater demand for transparency and accountability, which constitutes an opportunity for the public and private sectors to rebuild their image and recover the prestige and trust of partners, clients and citizens by turning their commitments in actions.

The private sector is a central piece in any anti-corruption strategy, but the commitment is only made effective by making it public and accesible, training all personnel for its implementation.

How do we contribute to society by adopting this commitment?

The signal that companies do not tolerate acts of corruption within itselves or in dealings with government officials or business partners; that make easy and reward the denunciation, constitute the first link in the fight against corruption. The adoption of this practices positively impact the entire production chain, partners, suppliers, customers, collaborators, among others.

We have the ability to generate changes in the way we do business in Mexico and the world.

Next, a series of actions that create an atmosphere of corruption in the sectors mentioned above, as well as the policies that the members of the Corporate should be followed in order to contribute to the elimination of such practices:

1. Bribery and corruption

Bribery is the offer, delivery or receipt of a financial advantage so that a person in a position of trust or from which impartial performance or good faith is expected, to behave inappropiately. Corruption, on the other hand, is the abuse of power to obtain private benefit.

No member of the Corporation, under any circumstance, shall offer or promise a personal, financial or improper favor in order to obtain or get a business or other advantage from a third party, wheter public or private. Employees also must not accept this advantage in exchange for preferential treatment from a third party and, likewise, refrain from exercising any activity or conduct that could lead to the appearance or suspicion of such conduct or an attempt of it. The foregoing can not only lead to the application of disciplinary sanctions, but also the filing of criminal complaints.

The only exception for facilitation payments, commonly known as “gifts” is that the life or safety of a partner, associate or intern is in danger. In this case, payment may be made, but must be reported immediately to the Administration area and registered appropiately. Likewise, a member or the Admnistration area should be informed immediately of any requests for bribes or facilitation payments.

2. Gifts and invitations

When talking about gifts we refer to any item of value, such as discounts, gift cards, favors, subsidies, gifts, loans, goods, equipment or services. The invitations include meals, travel expenses, accommodation, training and entertainment.

In the Corporate we are aware that there may be occasions to exchange gifts or invitations, but these must be legitimate, reasonable and proportional and can not be interpreted as a bribe or incentive.

When giving and/ or receiving any of these, the following rules must be considered:

  • You can not give or receive gifts or invitations if it is cash or equivalent means.
  • No gifts or invitations can be given or received during contract negotiation, bidding or related to the granting of any license, permit or contract.
  • They must be allowed by the applicable laws and regulations.
  • They must have been approved in writing by the direct superior of the associate or collaborator.
  • They must be received openly without the suspicion that there is an improper purpose or without expecting or requesting anything in return.
  • They must be duly recorded in the expense forms or any other type of relevant document, indicating the person to whom the gift or invitation is given, their function and the Company to which they belong.

3. Sponsorship and donations

They refer to any type of cash payment and/ or other support provided in favor of a third party to promote our services or companies, or providing a contribution (in cash or in kind) to a charitable organization without expecting anything in return.

These present the risk that they are used for corrupt purposes in order to obtain undue business influences.

Rules for participation in sponsorship activities and donations:

  • Any of these that is proposed must be in accordance with the values and principles of our Integrity Code.
  • It must be for the benefit of an organization.
  • It can not be seen as a means of bribery.
  • There must be written agreement for donations or sponsorships between the Corporate and the receiving organization, indicating the purpose of the relationship with the respective value of the sponsorship and/ or the donation.

4. Collaboration with government officials

Meetings with government officials can be organized and held to discuss issues related to business activity.

Rules for holding meetings with government officials:

  • Any invitation offered must be linked to the purpose of the meeting and must be in accordance with the Corporate Integrity Code.
  • Meetings must take place in oficial government offices or, if this it not posible, in the corporate offices of the legal firm only.
  • The hiring of a public oficial is only permitted if the knowledge and experience of the oficial is considered to be of exceptional value (if permitted by local laws and regulations and the codes of conduct applicable to the government oficial).
  • If it is necessary that a transfer of value occurs to the public oficial, these must be previously approved by the area manager, partner or Administration. These transfers will be recorded detailing the purpose of the transfer, the date, the participants and the monetary value transferred. Warning signs should be taken into account and if there is any, an authority of the law firm should be notified.

5. Lobbying

Lobbying is a way in which individuals, associations and corporate entities seek to favorably influence decisions that may affect them in some way. In the Corporate, we take care that lobbying is always seeking the greatest benefit to our represented, leaving aside the personal interests of the managers and taking care that it does not exceed the legal framework established by the corresponding authorities.

6. Money Laundering

Money Laundering is the introduction of proceeds from ilicit activities into a legal financial system, hiding its source of origin. This activity and the failure to report the suspicion or omission of this practice constitutes a crime in Mexico. In the Corporate we reject any attempt to use our law firm for money laundering and we only work with clients, third parties and partners that carry out legal activities.

The following warning signs during a contracting process must be reported to any of the partners or the Administration area:

  • If the third party wishes to pay or receive a significant amount of cash.
  • If the identity of the recipient is not clear.
  • If the transaction passes through a place different from that in which the third party has its headquarters and there is no logical explanation for it.
  • If the third party requests that the funds be transferred in a currency different from that specified in the contract.
  • If several payments for a single invoice are requested.
  • If a third party participated in the process without there being a reason or logical explanation for it.
  • Any other expected by the local legislation.

7. Conflicts of interest

These occur when the personal, social, economic or political interests of an employee or in his ability to carry out his duties objectively. Likewise, this situation occurs when an employee performs a position or other function in another Company outside of their working hours, so it can be suspected that he will not focus on his responsabilities within the Corporate. We can not represent a client when there is a personal interest, of the Corporate, of any of its members, or of other clients, and such interest conflicts with the interests of the client, leaving our ability to render advice in a loyal, objective manner and for the benefit of the represented party.

As an exception, representation may be granted when permitted by law, applicable profesional standards of conduct, or when authorized by the clients in question. Conflicts of interest are sometimes unavoidable, but they can often be controlled in such a way  that the conflict is mitigated.

Therefore is mandatory that any partner, associate or intern with a posible conflict of interest follow this rules:

  • They must immediately declare any conflict of interest to their corresponding direct boss, who will work with that person to resolve the conflict.
  • They should not have a subordination relationship with whom they have a close link.
  • They should not have any participation in a Company that is of the competition and/ or that is dedicated to the same sort of business.

8. Background research

All companies need to collaborate with third parties to carry out their activities. However, collaboration or the provision of profesional services to a third party identified by corruption cases expose the Corporate to significant risks of compliance with laws and reputation. Therefore it is essential that we know who we are dealing with.

To supervise and control these risks in an appropiate manner, our goal is to carry out a control before initiating activities with third parties, which includes:

  • Ensuring their identity of any third party with which we will collaborate or provide profesional services.
  • Look in the register of the Tax Administration Service that refers to taxpayers who allegedly simulate transactions and issue apocryphal invoices (moral and physical persons), as well as in the black list of the United States Department of the Treasury, among others.
  • Establish clear terms, avoid excessively long or confusing contractual clauses with third parties at risk.

9. Fraud

Fraud is defined as any dishonest, intentional or deliberate act with the purpose of obtaining a personal benefit. Includes theft, misappropriation, misuse of property or privileged information, corruption, conflicts of inerest, use of false information, manipulation of books or internal controls or any act not authorized by the Corporate that directly or indirectly results in the economic benefit of the autor or of third parties.

The Corporate does not allow fraud under any circumstances. Partners, associates or interns must report any suspected fraud or improper financial conduct immediately, either to their direct manager or the human resources area.

IV. Procedure to make a complaint/ denunciation

Consists in that any partner, associate, intern or employee of the Corporate, inform to the corresponding department of the suspicion of alleged irregularities.

We want to know immediately any infraction or posible infraction of our business principles, ilicit conduct, misappropiation of funds or any other activity that supposes or may supose a danger to the Corporate or to any person who works within it.

We encourage, under the policy of “open doors”, which aims to make interpersonal relationships more flexible among the members of the Corporate and take them in a pleasant way, without losing the line of respect, encouraging the flow of communication and personal contact, for that the partners, associates, interns of any employee, expose any type of concern directly to a person. However, if they prefer to report confidentially about a concern, complaint or denunciation, this will be done through the reporting email that is info@ariabogados.com, which will be handled in an ethical and professional manner.

The Corporate commits itself not to retaliate against any person who notify in good faith a genuine concern. All concerns, complaints or denunciations raised will be investigated internally in an appropiate way.

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